Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Modern Dutch House Built From Salvaged Billboards and Umbrellas

Modern Dutch House Built From Salvaged Billboards and Umbrellas: "

2012architects, dutch green building, greenhome, eco house, eco building materials,daylight, recycled material, reused material, salvaged material, salvaged siding, recycled house, locally sourced building materials

A first glance this may appear to be just another nice-looking modern home — until you realize that it is constructed almost entirely from salvaged materials sourced within a nine mile radius of the building site. Dwell’s recent profile of this Dutch home by 2012architects explores the uncommon lengths that the project undertook to make a refined architectural statement with discarded materials. The architects claim 60% of the exterior and nearly 90% of the interior is salvaged through a process they dub recyclicity — read on to find out how they did it.

2012architects, dutch green building, greenhome, eco house, eco building materials,daylight, recycled material, reused material, salvaged material, salvaged siding, recycled house, locally sourced building materials
2012architects, dutch green building, greenhome, eco house, eco building materials,daylight, recycled material, reused material, salvaged material, salvaged siding, recycled house, locally sourced building materials
2012architects, dutch green building, greenhome, eco house, eco building materials,daylight, recycled material, reused material, salvaged material, salvaged siding, recycled house, locally sourced building materials
2012architects, dutch green building, greenhome, eco house, eco building materials,daylight, recycled material, reused material, salvaged material, salvaged siding, recycled house, locally sourced building materials
2012architects, dutch green building, greenhome, eco house, eco building materials,daylight, recycled material, reused material, salvaged material, salvaged siding, recycled house, locally sourced building materials
2012architects, dutch green building, greenhome, eco house, eco building materials,daylight, recycled material, reused material, salvaged material, salvaged siding, recycled house, locally sourced building materials
2012architects, dutch green building, greenhome, eco house, eco building materials,daylight, recycled material, reused material, salvaged material, salvaged siding, recycled house, locally sourced building materials

Read the rest of Modern Dutch House Built From Salvaged Billboards and Umbrellashttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/ohttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=better_feedptions-general.php?page=better_feed

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