hathaway photography
"The brilliant hair styling of Hadiiya Barbel…one of the year’s most favorite photos I’ve taken…
Fuck ME!!
"hi-imcurrentlyobsessed: what my sew in looked like @ first…was like a float back there. not fun
"AND she is simply AMAZING…SIGH can I…..
"I have been feeling a little under the weather after new years, came down with a little nasty cold T-T, so I haven’t been in the mood for taking facial portraits of myself for my 365, and I have been too lazy to upload my shots. I am going to get at it soon though. My boyfriend is sending me a care package in the mail and it should be here tomorrow (ALONG WITH MY DECO MATERIAL FOR MY FONE ARRGG, hopefully), how sweet of him, yes? :)
"yagazie and i back in nigeria…lol I kid i kid.