Beside ABC's Pam-Am, the other Mad Men-era / 1960's show this season stars Amber Heard as 'Bunny Maureen' in NBC's The Playboy Club. You'd think the Bunny costumes alone should count for some tune-in. Maybe not. (Confession: My girlfriend and I were watching Hawaii 5-0, we later learned both her parents and mine watched Castle, so we were of no help.) You can watch the show on-line after each episode airs if you've missed them.
Ms. Heard above from GQ Italia in a Kiki de Montparnasse bodysuit and Stella McCartney boy shorts back in the modern world
I won't give too much plot away, but if you're the new girl in early 1960's Chicago, and one of the first people you meet is the town's biggest mobster in rage mode, and one of the next people you meet is an attorney who goes into 'let's cover up a really inconvenient accidental death of a mobster' mode, maybe you're hanging with the wrong people?
Going against both The Playboy Club and Pam-Am is the sport of analysis of 'What Does It All Mean For Today's Women?'(Mad Men came first, was original, built slower, and snuck under that RADAR before becoming a hit)
Some have not taken too kindly to the idea of the show's setting as (still?) scandalous. Some writers have expressed an opinion Ms. Heard's interviews about life as a Bunny are naive at best. Gloria Steinem gained her first fame with an article ('A Bunny's Tale') where she went undercover in a real Playboy Club in the early 60's that says those critics may have a valid argument.
Ms. Heard, sans Bunny costume, and pretty much sans dress
My girlfriend's take on the shows' agenda? 'Mad Men works, TV copies everything, and they're trying to get both men and women to watch it so we'll all do the same thing: Buy shit.'
And she wonders why I love her (and keep trying to get her to write a blog post)
The Playboy Club airs Monday nights at 10 Eastern on NBC
Follow the show on Facebook and twitter
Amber Heard's website, Facebook page and twitter
Next week: week skip TV to go out and play
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